
boybrd2Is Therapy Right For You?

Seeking therapy is your very personal and individual choice. It’s important to have a good working relationship with your therapist, so you need to find one whose style and personality matches yours.

I’m here to support and guide you. I have the skills and training to empower you to question or clarify your own concerns. You call the shots about when to stop and what insights you’ll take with you when you leave.

You grew up influenced by parents, teachers, siblings, peers and caretakers, and this shaped who you are now. You may have picked up some behavior patterns that get in your way, make you unhappy. I can help you see and change these patterns so you can personally grow and find healthier relationships. This involves using certain tools and techniques.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

CBT was developed by Aaron Beck in the early 1960s. Studies prove that it’s a highly effective technique for the treatment of depression and anxiety. Special techniques help you identify automatic thoughts – the thoughts that come to mind without your help. Then, you learn how these thoughts affect the way you behave. Finally, you learn how to change the ones that are causing trouble. One of the books I highly recommend is “Reinventing Your Life” by Jeffrey Young and Janet Klosko. It helps clients develop and understanding of their patterns, and then provides useful tools to help shift these patterns.

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)

DBT is a combination of CBT and mindfulness developed by Marsha Lineham to treat Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). People with BPD react with very intense emotions to small changes in their environment and are said to live with constant emotional pain. Also, they have intense, volatile and unstable relationships and are prone to suicidal gestures and addictions. The core element of DBT involves a collaborative approach with emphasis on homework and frequent sessions to learn how to deal with feelings of upset.

Interpersonal Therapy (IPT)

IPT focuses on interpersonal contexts – a fancy way of saying, how you get along with others. And it helps you develop interpersonal skills – how to get along better. It helps you understand the effect your relationships have on how you behave and feel.

Psychodynamic Psychotherapy

This helps grow your self-awareness. You learn how your past affects your present – how toxic situations from before have influenced your current unresolved conflicts and symptoms.

Please contact me for an appointment or more information.